How to install gcc compiler codeblocks
How to install gcc compiler codeblocks

how to install gcc compiler codeblocks

Copy the files inside lib ( libbgi.a) and include ( graphics.h & winbgim.h) folder to respective folder of TDM-GCC compiler C:\TDM-GCC-32\lib & C:\TDM-GCC-32\include.

  • Now its time to place downloaded binaries to correct location.
  • Now it will detect TDM-GCC as default compiler if not detected already. CodeBlocks caches previous compiler settings so to make sure compiler settings are working go to Settings>Compiler then reset defaults. When you open CodeBlock it will auto detect compiler. It makes CodeBlocks auto detect compiler.
  • Install TDM-GCC compiler while installing you need to select MinGW/TDM(32 bit) and make sure add to path option is selected.
  • how to install gcc compiler codeblocks

    If you had already installed CodeBlocks () that comes with compiler then I recommend to uninstall it.Download CodeBlocks () without MinGW’s GNU GCC compiler, a separate TDM-GCC compiler and WinBGIm binaries from the download section below.So here is how you can make include work again in your CodeBlocks.

    how to install gcc compiler codeblocks

    But the problem is newer version of CodeBlock have problem if we try to add Borland Graphics Interface (WinBGIm) support, which allows to run graphics in C++ program. Generally you don’t need to install compiler separately in CodeBlocks since it also comes with compiler already included.

    How to install gcc compiler codeblocks